Condominium and homeowners’ associations and their boards face challenges
that require legal representation. Associations are required to collect
assessments, conduct meetings and elections, enforce covenants, and maintain
financial reserves, all with fiduciary responsibility to their members.
Torch Legal can represent your Association in connection with:
- Collection of assessments, including eviction of delinquent
unit owners
- Relief from bankruptcy stay required to enforce assessment
- Appearance in or monitoring of mortgage foreclosure cases
- Amendment of recorded declarations and covenants
- Covenant enforcement
- Elections
- Removal of board members
- Management contracts
- Vendor contracts
- Real estate tax appeals
Let Torch Legal provide your property manager association with a
competitive quote for legal representation of your association.
We understand Condominium & Homeowners Associations and
provide legal solutions!
Serving McHenry County, Lake County, Kane County, and Northwest Suburban Cook County, Illinois.